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Welcome to our dedicated page for booking prepaid experiences online. Once you’ve received your unique booking code (different from your ASE XXXX order number) via email, you’re just a few clicks away from securing your unforgettable adventure.

Should you encounter any questions or encounter difficulties while booking, our comprehensive help documentation is readily available below to guide you through the process.

Junior flight is not available anymore and merged with the Express. If you had purchased a Junior Flight and received a booking code, please select the Express flight.

We aren’t able to process your payment. Please, try again.
Your flight is booked !
Your confirmation number:

Booking help

Click on the type of flight you want to book. Then click on Next Step (bottom right corner).

Pick a date (the green line below indicate there is availability). Then choose a time, the upper time is the beginning of the experience, the one below the end time.

When you click on the time, you will be brought to the next step automatically.

Fill in your personal details This will help us reaching out if required.

All fields are mandatory. If passengers (observers) will be there, or if you fly with a copilot, share the main contact details, no need to register everyone.

Click on the “Code” button to activate the text box below.

In this box, enter your booking code and click “Add”. A small green check will be displayed if the code is valid.
This code is not your order number (ASE XXXX), it’s a booking code you received in a separate email after your order, if you did not get it, contact us!

You can then confirm your booking on the bottom right corner.